Her short, Have the Day You Deserve, appeared in issue two, and her story, Garden of Gomorrah, appears in the DF annual issue A Night at The Grand Guignol. She is the featured author in the upcoming issue three.
The groundbreaking first novel from S.N.
Humphreys is the story of Maggie, a woman
afflicted with debilitating mental illness in her
youth, through her struggles and eventual,
inspiring triumph over her demons.
In hardcover and in paperback
S.N. Humphreys appears as the featured author
in DOUBLE FEATURE's third issue, entitled QUE
SERA SERA, and features the stories
The Amazing Half-Girl,
and The Girl Who Dreamed Too Loud.
In these twisted tales, readers will first meet
Grace...a different kind of heroine.
And rumor has it, readers will be seeing her again
quite soon....
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